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Phases of Lice Infestation from a Parent’s Perspective

The infestation of that tiny, creepy, six-legged creature has repercussions. As a parent, even hearing that your kid might have lice might sends shivers down your spine. When the dreaded event actually comes to be true, you are left stunned. A

Phases of Lice Infestation from a Parent’s Perspective2017-12-28T05:39:36-05:00

Protecting Your Kid from Lice Shaming

The call from school informing you that your kid has acquired lice can be the most embarrassing moment of a parent’s life. However, it’s more difficult on the kid and you need to understand that. The sesame seed-sized, six-legged creature can

Protecting Your Kid from Lice Shaming2017-12-28T05:37:29-05:00

The Downside To OTC Lice Removal Treatment

It’s never a good day when you get the call from your child’s school saying that your child is infested with lice and cannot return to school until they are lice-free. No matter how common lice are amongst children, they will

The Downside To OTC Lice Removal Treatment2021-11-09T10:19:16-05:00

Is Dyed Hair Immune to Head Lice?

People are under the impression that dyeing their hair somehow makes them immune to lice – it doesn’t. Some absurd stories of mothers treating head-lice by putting hair relaxers in their child’s hair have also emerged. Chemicals found in hair-dyes and

Is Dyed Hair Immune to Head Lice?2017-12-28T05:33:11-05:00

Should Lice Keep Children Away from School? Absolutely Not!

“A healthy child shouldn’t be restricted from attending school because of head lice or nits” as per new guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Why is this such a hot debate for many? Unfortunately, this is because lice outbreaks

Should Lice Keep Children Away from School? Absolutely Not!2017-12-28T05:12:49-05:00

What Heidi Klum’s Head Lice Infestation Teaches Us about Head Lice

Contracting head lice as an adult is humiliating, embarrassing, and stressful considering adults aren’t technically supposed to have this playground scourge. Yet an estimated 6 to 12 million infestations take place every year in the United States, not all of the

What Heidi Klum’s Head Lice Infestation Teaches Us about Head Lice2017-12-28T05:10:23-05:00

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Hair

We’re quite close to ringing the New Year in, and if you aren’t glad to say goodbye to 2017, then you must certainly be eager to start over a new leaf in 2018! A lot of us make resolutions for the

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Hair2017-12-28T04:45:42-05:00

To Comb or Not to Comb: Diagnosis and Treatment of Head Lice

Head lice infestations are quite the frequent occurrence. While they may be much more prevalent in children of school going age, practically anyone can fall victim to the parasites at any point in life. Head lice are not too particular about

To Comb or Not to Comb: Diagnosis and Treatment of Head Lice2017-12-28T04:43:01-05:00

Are You Immune to Head Lice in the Winter Season?

Unlike other insects, head lice do not behave as bugs usually should during the winter. While most insects either migrate or hibernate to wait out the cold season, head lice survive and actually thrive during the winter days. That is because

Are You Immune to Head Lice in the Winter Season?2017-12-28T04:37:57-05:00
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