It’s that glorious time of year again. Your kids are off from school. There’s no morning rush and forgotten lunches. You’re at a great destination. The atmosphere is relaxed, calm and enjoyable…
Or so it was, until one of your kids started complaining of an itchy scalp!
With lice outbreaks so common among children, especially during the summer vacation, it’s important that you do everything you can to ensure that an infestation
does not happen; otherwise your peace and comfort will definitely be disrupted!
Hair Care Tips For Summer Vacations to Stay Lice-Free
–Keep Head-to-Head Contact to a Minimum
Sharing is caring, but not in this case. Lice usually spread through head-to-head contact so it might not help if your children are too polite about sharing their hair accessories, helmets or headsets and earbuds. During lice season, ask them to refrain from sharing their personal belongings. And explain why. You don’t want them to blurt out,
“my mom/dad said so!” possibly causing some offense.
–Practice Some Hair Braiding Tricks
You’ll want their hair to be tied back or put up. Long, open hair allows easy access for the lice so practice some braiding techniques if your kid likes to stay fashionable or just tie their hair back in a simple ponytail. And keep those stray hair bound with some hair spray.
–Keep Things Separate
One of your children has been scratching their head a bit too much lately. Don’t make it apparent, but separate their belongings so the lice don’t spread. These pesky critters tend to cling to clothes and hair brushes and accessories and can quickly make their way to other places, especially if the said belongings are just thrown into a pile of other stuff. Teach your children about taking the right precautions.
–Use a Clothes Dryer
This is just a precaution but a useful one in a pinch. If you think one of your children has lice, use a dryer and throw in their pillow cover, bedding and any teddy bears for about 15 minutes. This will be just the right trick for killing off stray nits and lice.
–Have a Professional Lice Removal Service on Stand By
Are you in Miami Beach for vacation? Find the
best lice removal service and book an appointment if your kid does show signs of a lice infestation. In addition, get yourself and your other kids checked as well by a lice specialist, just to be sure!
Enjoy a Lice Free Holiday!
It’s actually fairly easy to deal with lice if you know the basic process.
Follow the steps above and you’ll be able to bring your vacation plan back on track in no time!