One of the most common parasitic infestations, the human head louse (
pediculus humanus capitis) is a concern for school going children worldwide. Head lice don’t tend to differentiate between color, race, gender, nationality or even hygiene, and therefore are a problem for people of every country!
You or your child are likely going to be infested with head lice at least once in your lifetime, and educating yourself about them is essential for proper
lice removal and avoiding the risk of re-infestation!
Here are a few lice facts and statistics you may (not) want to know:
Lice Transfer from Head to Head
A commonly believed myth states that head lice are capable of jumping or flying from head to head and that is how infestations spread. In reality, lice are wingless bugs that are only capable of crawling from head to head or hair accessories to another head.
Human Lice and Animal Lice Are Different
Head lice are parasitic insects that can only survive on a human head. The lice found on your pets are a different species—albeit from the same family—and do not typically transfer from animal to human—and the same is the case for head lice.
A Female Louse Can Lay Up To 10 Eggs per Day
Commonly called “nits”, lice eggs are typically laid 1/4
th of an inch away from the scalp. They are attached to the hair with a thick, transparent glue-like substance that is also waterproof. This substance securely cements the eggs in place, making them hard to remove. These nits typically hatch into a nymph 7-10 days after being laid.
Female Children Are More Likely to Get Head Lice
While this may be true, head lice do not inherently prefer female hair as opposed to male hair. The reason behind this phenomenon is just because female children tend to have longer hair, which makes it easier for the lice to hide and move around.
Hygiene Does Not Matter To Lice
Whether your child takes a shower daily before bed or skips a day in between, head lice infestation has nothing to do with how dirty or clean your head is. All a louse needs to survive on a human head is a ready supply of fresh blood!
Head Lice cannot survive for More Than Two Days off a Human Head
Because head lice need a ready supply of fresh blood for survival, they are unable to survive past 48 hours once they are off their host. Nits are also typically harmless, and will not hatch once removed from the head.
About 3% of Children Have Lice at Any Given Time
Lice outbreaks are not seasonal and can occur at any given time in the year.
Lice Have Become Immune to Over-the-Counter Treatments
Over the years, over-the-counter pesticides and prescription treatments have lost their effectiveness. This is because evolution has made the head louse resistant to the chemicals in these pesticides. This is also a reason why lice outbreaks are now on the rise!
Treat Head Lice with Lice Troopers
Whether your child is infected with lice or you are and over-the-counter treatments are no longer working, it’s time to call in for some professional help! If you’re looking for a professional lice removal service anywhere across the United States, Lice Troopers is just what you were looking for!