About one child in every five has head lice. Despite its common status, many people don’t know how to deal with a lice infestation! This is a big problem because: a) parents are more likely to use What To Do If Your Little One Has Licechemical and over-the-counter treatments, and b) repeated treatments are needed, which means an over-dose of chemicals. Here’s the worst part: such harmful chemical treatments are often used on children as young as 4 to 11 years! So, what should you do if you see your toddler scratching his or her head?

Keep This in Mind First

Knowing the following facts about head lice will help not only in treating your toddler and other members of the family, but can also help prevent future head lice outbreaks: v  Head lice can’t fly, jump, or swim. v  They spread via head-to-head contact. v  Even adults can get head lice. v  Nits (lice eggs) are often mistaken for dandruff, and vice versa. v  Head lice are found in all types, lengths, and condition of hair. v  Head lice prefer certain blood groups more than others.

How Can You Be Sure Your Child Has Head Lice?

The nasty, little critters are very difficult to detect because they’re well camouflaged in your child’s hair. This is why parents often look for visual signs (scratching the head) rather than testing for head lice themselves. Important Note:Head lice can live for three months on a head without the host knowing about it. So, what should parents do?

Invest In a Fine Toothed Nit Comb

While the hair is wet, run the comb and look out for:
  • Shiny, whitish nits stuck close to the child’s scalp.
  • Shiny, white and empty nit sacks, away from the scalp.
  • Live adult head lice, clearly visible on the scalp and hair.
  • Rash on the back of the neck, or around the ears, caused by irritation.
Once you observe these signs, head over to Lice Troopers, your ideal lice treatment center near you.

How to Get Rid Of Lice

There’s no quick-fix lice removal treatment when it comes to getting rid of lice from a toddler’s head. The problem with wet combing is that repeated treatment sessions can cause some pain and discomfort for your toddler, and it’s hard to get them to sit still. Also, chance of re-infestation is high even if one louse or egg is left from the last treatment. Where DIY lice removal treatments fail, professional lice salons in New York succeed! Get in touch with your nearest Lice Troopers center today.