If you’re a parent, you know what head lice are. Or, at the very least, you know they’re something you want to avoid at all costs. But what causes head lice? Is it poor hygiene? Are the pests airborne?
As mysterious as this parasite seems to be, the bug is actually quite simple and primitive. As a parasite, the louse needs a host in order to survive. Head lice, then, as the name suggests, are parasites that will be found on the human head. Blood, which they obtain by biting into the surface of the scalp, is their food. Once they’ve found a host, they put down roots, laying eggs and multiplying their numbers. As any parent knows, head lice are easy to get but often not so easy to get rid of.
But how do lice end up on the head in the first place?
As we said, lice are simple creatures. They don’t even have the capacity to fly or jump from head to head. They only transfer by crawling, which means there has to be head-to-head contact in order for an infestation to spread from one head to another. And lice aren’t picky—they like a clean head just as much as a dirty head. Therefore, despite the stigma about lice and poor hygiene, the truth is, they’ll infest any kind of hair they can get close to.
Lice also pass when personal belongings are shared. For example, if one child has lice and uses a hairbrush, the bugs and their nits can easily end up on the brush. Then another child uses the item and the lice end up in his or her hair. The same goes for combs, hair accessories, bedding towels, hats and scarves—all of which can be vehicles for the transfer of lice.
As mysterious as the bugs may seem, when you know how they operate, it becomes easier to prevent and eliminate them. Lice can’t get into hair they can’t touch. They don’t spring out of thin air. That means the most important prevention measure is to avoid head-to-head contact with individuals who may be infested with lice. We realize that for children who play in close proximity or attend school together, this can be an almost impossible task.
The other big key to keeping kids lice free is to help them understand the importance of keeping personal belongings personal. While kids at school, on sports teams, at summer camp or at sleepovers will be quick to share any number of personal items that come into contact with the hair, lice prevention depends on them learning to say no, and to stick to using their own items.
If one or more of your children ends up infested, it isn’t the end of the world. Lice don’t require any special medical treatment; they simply need to be removed. And that’s what our expert technicians do. When you make an appointment with Lice Troopers, you’re getting a removal treatment that is safe, effective and entirely chemical free. We’re so confident in our pesticide free removal method that we even guarantee it!
Lice Troopers serves adults and children in our conveniently located salons or by house call. If you suspect you have been exposed to super lice, don’t waste time in setting up an appointment for an pesticide free removal treatment. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, house call, school or camp consultation, please visit our website at: www.LiceTroopers.com or call 1-800-403-LICE.
Our Miami treatment center locations are here to serve you:
Bay Harbor Lice Treatment Center, 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212, Bay Harbor Island, FL 33154
Coral Gables Lice Treatment Clinic, 2100 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33154
Hollywood Treatment Center, 5735 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, FL 33021