Upon hearing the dreadful news that their children have caught lice, most parents panic. However, if you are reading this, you don’t have to panic just yet. Catching lice isn’t a disease; and just as easily as children catch it from others, you can get rid of it for them. Keep in mind that it takes time and effort. If you are wondering if there are any home remedies available for
lice removal, read on to find out the most common treatment methods that may work:
Using a Lice Removal Comb
A very common and effective way to get rid of lice is to use a lice removal comb. You can easily find it at a drugstore. It’s a comb with very close bristles in which the lice usually get trapped. The comb can be used in dry as well as wet hair and proves as an effective home treatment to get rid of lice.
Oil Treatment
The oil treatment entails that you apply olive or almond oil to the hair and then comb the hair with the lice removal comb to see if there are any lice. It is preferable to comb the hair in sections so that every inch of the head is covered and you don’t overlook any part. Some people also prefer applying the oil to the comb instead of the hair, and then re-applying it as necessary.
Using Essential Oils
Another effective lice removal treatment is using essential oils. You can use tea tree oil, lavender oil, clove oil, or aniseed oil, but make sure to check whether they’re allergic to it by applying a drop to your child’s hand. If not, you can safely use the oil. Mix 15 to 20 drops of essential oil with 2 ounces of olive oil and apply to the scalp. Leave it for at least 12 hours and then wash the hair.
Different home remedies may prove to be effective for different people; however, it does not mean that they will prove effective for every person. If you still feel that the lice problem persists, call us at 1.800.403.5423 for an appointment today. We treat our clients at the earliest whether you want to come in at our saloon or want us to visit you at your home. We are very discreet about our visits and make sure that our clients’ privacy comes first!