A Recipe For Happy Holidays
You can smell the candy cane and eggnog and all the delicious food that’s going to be cooked in the air already! Everyone’s mouth is watering just thinking about all the yummy things they’ll devour in the coming days—and it’s a welcome change and break for everyone who works all through the year.
You know who doesn’t take a break, though?
Lice.—these critters are active through the cold, too.
You know what they say: too many cooks spoil the broth, and with holiday preparations, hectic schedules, cold weather and winter lice infestations, it’s definitely a recipe for disaster.
There’s nothing without gratitude. No matter what it is you’re going through or what you’ve been experiencing, be grateful for being alive, well and healthy. Cherish the time you have and the opportunities and blessings that have come your way. Do your best to pass on the joy and blessings you have to those who may not have as much!
Practicing gratitude is one of the biggest keys to happiness—even science says so!
What’s The Secret Ingredient To The Perfect Holiday Season?
There’s no single ingredient that’s going to make your holiday spectacular, if truth be told. There are several things you can do to make sure you and your family are your most comfortable, happy and content selves. It takes:1 Cup of Gratitude