The Most Common Lice FAQs Answered!

First, little Tommy is sharing his favorite baseball cap with his best friend Sam and the next thing you know, everyone in the family is scratching their heads like crazy and shampooing their hair with chemical-laden shampoos! Lice can be a scary nightmare to deal with for everyone involved. If any of this plight sounds familiar, you’re naturally bound to have a lot of questions running through your head. Are lice dangerous? Is there an effective remedy? Can they be transmitted? We answer all of these and a lot of other FAQs you need answers to.

What are lice?

Lice are wingless parasites that crawl on the scalp and cling to hair strands. They need a human host to feed on blood in order to survive. Lice are species-specific; this means your pets can’t get lice from you and vice versa. They’re often site-specific as well; for example, there are head lice, body lice, and pubic lice.

What do lice and nits look like?

Lice are tiny, gray-colored bugs that are around 1/16th of an inch long. Since they move really quickly, they can be difficult to see. But they can be spotted gliding on the hair with the naked eye. Nits are lice eggs; they’re about the size of the point of a pin. They’re white in color and once laid, can hatch in about a week.

How are lice spread?

Head lice can be easily transmitted from one person to another person. If the infested person comes in close contact with another person, the lice can crawl over. If you come in direct contact with people who have lice or use their personal items such as bedding, clothing, hats, or combs, you can risk contracting lice. Know that lice do not spread due to a lack of hygiene or cleanliness.

How do I conduct a head check?

As mentioned above, lice and nits are tiny, so you have to get really close to weed them out. Start with damp hair that is easier to comb through. It’s best to detangle the hair first and then take a special nit comb with you as you go through. Part the hair in sections and conduct the head check under a bright light so that you can catch sight of the smallest nits and lice.

How can lice be treated?

Fortunately, lice can be treated easily if you stick to the right treatment. Many people choose to try over-the-counter lice treatments, but they have proven to be ineffectual. Some super lice species have developed a resistance against chemical treatments. Some people rely on home remedies as well, but they are not effective in keeping lice away for the long-term, which is why you should consider hiring professionals to do a thorough job of removing head lice.

About Lice Troopers

Lice Trooper’s pesticide free lice treatments are specially formulated for getting rid of lice completely. We are a professional lice removal service that specialize in head lice treatments. Avail our head lice treatments and home cleaning services for a lice-free life!