Out of all the memories we remember, the one that stands out the most features lice as an honorary guest. Waiting in the ‘lice line’, being humiliated by classmates during lice checks, and the painful sting of OTC lice removal solutions are all memories deeply ingrained in our minds.
As grownups, we are eternally grateful for the valiant and humble school nurses – a parent’s first line of defense against head lice. Yet lice inspections conducted by schools can be a horrific ordeal for kids.
Additionally, some schools in Orlando have strict no-nit policies in place so you definitely
don’t want the school nurse to discover lice swimming in your child’s head!
Conduct Your Own Lice Checks in a Safe Environment
Your kids will never feel safe when checked for lice in their school setting. One word out is enough to begin bullying of lice infested kid by other students! All of this can be prevented by checking for head lice at home before sending the child to school.
Why didn’t we think of this before?
Here’s a step-by-step checklist to prepare your first-timer for a routine head lice check at home, before school begins:
Placate Your Child
Your child shouldn’t run away from routine lice inspections. If they do end up dashing away, means you are doing something wrong! First things first, let your child know lice checks don’t hurt and only take a little time (a minute at the most).
Also inform how the school nurse will inspect for head lice, using a long Q-tip or fingers to check for harmless bugs and nits.
Wash and Comb Hair
Know there is going to be a lice check at school the next day? Have your child take a shower and comb hair the night before – to minimize unnecessary tangles. It will be easier for the nurse to check your child’s hair if clean.
Having dirty hair will only slow down the lice inspection process and make it very uncomfortable.
Find Out School’s Lice Policy
All schools have one so your child’s educational institutional will as well. Talk to the school nurse before lice inspection and find out how strict the policy is. Are children asked to leave school premises as soon as lice results come in? Or can they still attend classes yet need to have lice removed within a day or two?
Reassure your child that even if they are sent home, one visit to Lice Troopers
lice removal salon Winter Park will remove all signs of lice, allowing return to class the very next day! Make an appointment today.