Head Lice Detection – How Well Can You Perform This Crucial Step In Lice Prevention?
Children often bring a horde of unwanted guests, as they return to school after a long summer of play dates, summer camp, and sleepovers. Yes, we are talking about that dreaded topic. Head lice while common in any month of the year becomes more active when summer holiday ends and school begins – in August and September.
This is the time when parents have to be extra vigilant, catching lice in the act before the situation blows out of proportion!
Remember This about Head Lice Transmission and You Will Be Fine
Many parents forget the all-important point regarding head lice transmission, which results in outbreaks and infestations. Head lice primarily spread through head-to-head contact. This is probably why children are number one when it comes to catching lice! The good news is you can nip a fully-blown infestation right in the bud by conducting regular lice screening and detection.Won’t Chemical Based Lice Removal Solutions Help?
Short answer: no… The reason is simple—more and more bugs are becoming resistant to popular anti-lice shampoos and lice removal products than ever before. Which means pesticide free treatments (such as manual nit-combing) work for complete removal of this parasite. Also, it’s important to tackle any lice situation armed with knowledge of effective lice detection methods. This will ensure you are able to spot lice before it becomes an infestation.Identifying Head Lice – What Is the Best Way
No doubt, identifying head lice can become tricky especially as these bugs are often mistaken for dandruff. In fact, parents misdiagnose and wrongfully treat lice the most out of any scalp condition. Taking the following steps will make the process easier although lice specialists in Kendall recommend visiting a professional lice removal service for easy identification and subsequent removal. First Step – Look for common symptoms that point towards lice. They are:- Excessive itching
- Scratching (on scalp, neck, temples, and around the ears)
- Sores and bumps on the scalp