Growing out your hair can be a satisfying yet frustrating experience. There’s nothing like waves of long, lustrous locks, an eye-catching mane that has heads turning.
However, the hair care that comes with such a venture is quite particular. Regular hair care tasks like shampooing and conditioning and even combing can become somewhat of a chore.
However, if you’re invested in maintaining your Rapunzel-like hair, then surely, it is well worth the effort!
A Dicey Lice Situation
Whether you have short hair or long hair, there’s really no escaping head lice. If you’re in an environment where lice infestations are rampant, then there’s only so much you can do to avoid it.
Once you are indeed infested with head lice, then you’ll be well aware of what a tedious process it can be to get rid of them. And that’s in regular length hair, so there’s no telling how intensive your efforts need to be for long hair!
You don’t need to worry as such, since
head lice don’t spread disease, but the incessant itching and the social stigma can get to you. So it’s natural to want to be rid of the problem as fast as possible.
Home remedies will certainly prove to be a bust, as alongside the herculean effort of carrying out the treatment, you will also find that these are all not useful in lice removal.
Did Rapunzel ever get head lice? If indeed she did, then it’s certain that there were no head lice removal shampoos at her disposal in her solitary tower. If she did, then that would be a dead end, because we all know that over the counter lice products are fairly ineffective. The lice would just keep coming back.
Lucky for you, you have Lice Troopers at your disposal. We can handle your long, flowing hair like pros! We’re a
professional lice removal service in Miami, Coral Gables, and other areas in Florida.
Get in touch with us and make an appointment at our head lice removal salon! Our experts can deal with your impressive tresses and make sure no trace of nits remain.
Plus, you don’t have to worry about any potential damage to your hair from chemicals—we only make use of an pesticide free hair cream to make the process smoother. The rest is all about the combing and nit-picking skills of our technicians.
Don’t want to make a trip to the
lice clinic? We do in-home treatments too! Call us at 1 800 403 5423 to book your appointment.