When it comes to kinky hair, there are a lot of misconceptions about their susceptibility to a lice infestation.
Could it be that because they’re more tightly wound, it might be easier for the lice to infest them? Or is it
because of the tight, corkscrew curls that lice can’t find their way onto the scalp?
Lice Troopers from Orlando, FL, is here to answer your questions!
What You Should Know about Lice and Kinky Hair
In truth, no certain hair type is completely immune to lice infestations. With the texture of kinky hair, you might assume that they’re resistant to lice. That’s a myth. Lice can affix themselves to
any type of hair—coarse, thick, smooth or thin.
However, we won’t deny that because of their structure, people with kinky hair have a certain advantage when it comes to preventing lice infestations, and that is because of their sheens and oil.
To maintain a semblance of style and quality, many people with kinky hair use a number of hair styling and nourishing products to keep them well-managed. This basic coating creates a barrier. So even when lice try to crawl onto their hair, they aren’t able to maintain a good grip because of the product coverage.
Of course, this isn’t to say that excess product creates a completely impenetrable barrier. But it does make the job harder for lice.
What Not to Do with Lice and Kinky Hair
Lice shampoos and over-the-counter treatments are out of the question. Because of the hair’s texture, exposure to chemicals can cause even more damage if you’re not careful. Instead, opting for a
natural lice treatment would be the best choice.
Why Natural Lice Treatments for Kinky Hair
Natural treatments use safe, non-toxic ingredients which nourish the hair while removing lice. And for kinky hair, that’s great news!
The hair stays hydrated and protected through the process. There’s no concern regarding any exposure to chemicals or allergens and the treatment work its way into the roots, killing any lice that might still be sticking around. So even if you have a severe infestation, it usually takes one or two treatments to help you get rid of lice altogether.
Need Help?
Why not come to a
professional lice removal service in Orlando?
Lice Troopers is here to help. Book an appointment with us today and let us give your beautiful kinky hair the attention they need so you can be lice-free!