If you’ve ever been on a date where you’ve had to excuse yourself to use the bathroom, only to run out of the restaurant, you most likely recall what occurred afterwards: 45 missed calls within 2 hours of the disaster-date’s ending, 20 voicemails and 65 text messages.

And the worst part; when you’re out, you’re greeted by people you know, asking you to tell your ex-date to stop calling them.
Lice are similar to that ex-date of yours. Worse, they’re like that clingy friend that has no idea what the term ‘personal boundaries’ means.
They’re at every corner, trying to greet you with a ‘hello’ and popping up in different areas of your life (or scalp, for that matter!)
They’re the reason why your relationships never work out. They’re the cause of your misery and these pesky, possessive creatures are hard to get rid of. They’re like a finicky boss, never taking no for an answer. And they want their presence to be felt in your life.
Why DIYs Will Never Work
It’s embarrassing walking down an aisle in a department store and looking for everything labeled ‘anti-lice’. But what is even more embarrassing, is the dreaded feeling of a louse or nit manifesting itself during an important meeting, date or interview (Arghh!).
However, many individuals fall prey to the “homemade; 100 percent effective” label. Not only do DIYs not work, they
add to your misery!
Many of the products found in department stores contain ingredients that are harmful chemicals.
These chemicals gradually damage your hair and create bald patches. Hair fall is the first sign of damage caused by chemicals. Furthermore, even if they
do work, they’re a
temporary relief. This is because they kill the bugs but not the nits. Nits take an average of 7-10 days to hatch and are good at camouflaging themselves.
How to Tell Lice it’s Over
Don’t be a victim of an abusive relationship. You can get the help you need. A professional
lice removal service thoroughly cleans each and every strand of your hair. The bugs and nits are taken care of by a certified, well-trained lice doctor.
In addition to this, since you won’t be cleaning the strands of your hair yourself (it’s easy to miss spots) and you won’t be using ineffective products, it’s guaranteed that a re-infestation won’t occur.
Lice removal services use specialized combs and natural treatments to take of the job.
At Lice Troopers, we offer safe, affordable and reliable
lice removal services. You can get a free head screening at our salons and our specialists will take care of the rest for you!
Contact us today for booking details!