Over 6-12 million head lice infestations occur every year in the United States, according to CDC. Add to this the emergence of
super lice—head lice that cannot be killed by OTC shampoos and chemicals.

Combine both issues and you’ve got a can of worms you’d rather not deal with. But deal with this issue, you must. Ideally, by not following the below mentioned lice removal ‘myths’:
Lice Removal Using Heat
Rumors have been spreading like the plague about treatment for super lice. Parents tired of removing lice the ‘old fashioned way’ are turning to heat technology to get rid of lice.
They apply hot air directly to infested hair with the hope that increased temperature will kill head lice and nymphs. Hair dryers, curling irons, and hair straighteners are used and marketed as effective lice eliminators! However, there is no research that supports this claim.
Lice Removal by Fumigation
Many homeowners fumigate their house in order to kill and remove head lice from their house. Lice removal technicians at Lice Troopers compare fumigation as
‘using a hammer to put a bobby pin in your daughter’s head’.
Fumigating your entire house for lice removal is unnecessary—not to mention ineffective! The “
infected” won’t be around during this process; this means the problem won’t be addressed at all.
Lice Removal by Dousing Head with Gasoline/Kerosene
The earliest reference found in medical journals regarding killing head lice using gasoline (or kerosene, turpentine, benzene, etc) dates as far back as 1917. This practice has been handed down steadily over the years, from generation to generation. Even today, some parents use this incredibly archaic home remedy to kill head lice.
Despite knowing the dangers of using gasoline for lice removal, many parents are still guilty of trying this remedy. Every year, countless children are maimed because their parents thought dousing them in Gasoline for lice removal is an effective home remedy. Not only are gasoline and kerosene fumes highly toxic but are also volatile and combustible.
Killing Lice without Removing Nits Is Okay
Many homeowners also wrongly believe that lice removal is complete once treatment is done and dusted. Actually, lice eggs (nits) require 7–10 days to hatch; which means once treated, the
lice infestation cycle can begin once more if even a single nit remains. In this case, nit removal
is just as important.
Caught up in a tough spot? Consider Lice Troopers for
lice cleaning services Kendall. You won’t regret the experience!