The beginning of a new school year means your kids are starting another chapter, which means you’re going to have your mornings a little bit free to do what you want. Or so you thought.
Back-to-school preparation should not be limited to backpacks, healthy lunches, and school books. Even though all these things are important, one of the things you can’t miss out on is preventative measures for head lice. Around 6 million children in the United States get head lice once in a year and you don’t want your child to join that league.
Dealing with head lice can be infuriating and the last thing your children need when they start school again. Here are some tips to prepare for this.
How are lice spread?
You should know what you’re working with so that you know how to avoid it. Lice like to crawl from one head to another and this happens most often when heads come in to close contact with each other. Lice die within 48 hours if they do not feed off blood, which is why it’s not likely that they can be spread through inanimate objects such as headgear like hats or other accessories that nobody has used.
Follow these instructions to keep your kids safe from head lice.
Ask kids to keep the distance
Make sure you tell your kids to maintain distance from their friends and peers, especially during the first week of school. Even during extra-curricular activities, tell them to avoid heads touching as much as possible. For younger kids who might be starting school for the first time, this is even more important because you don’t want their first experience of school to be lice-ridden!
Recommend a lice screening at your school
You can even call Lice Troopers to your home for an inspection if you suspect that your child may have returned with lice. This is more discreet and allows you to get a thorough inspection by professionals who can help you with treatment as well. Catching lice early is the best way to make sure you can get the best and most effective treatment.
Make sure you educate your children about lice and destigmatize it for themto avoid causing themstress and anxiety. Children need to know that lice are not caused by a lack of hygiene, and they’re nothing to be ashamed about. They just need to be treated to avoid an infestation.
For safe and pesticide free treatments for lice infestations, you can contact Lice Troopers for the best lice treatment in
Woodmere and
Lynbrook, NY. Call us at 800-403-5423.