How to Clean Hair Brushes and Lice Combs during a Head Lice Outbreak
Many people associate head lice infestations with hygiene. However, head lice have nothing to do with cleanliness. They’re mostly spread by close or direct contact with a person who already has an infestation. This is why schoolchildren are more susceptible to head lice infestations than any other demographic.
Can Head Lice Spread Through Inanimate Object?
Once a child has contracted head lice, they can spread them to other members of the family through inanimate objects. According to scientific data, head lice can live for 24 hours without feasting on human blood. This means they can latch on to pieces of clothing, hair accessories, or bedding and stay alive for at least a day. So any household who has a child with head lice needs to be cautious when sharing such items. The most commonly shared items are hairbrushes and combs. While it’s rare, head lice can spread through the sharing of these items. To prevent the spread of head lice, all hairbrushes and combs in the house need to be cleaned properly.Simple Cleaning Method
A simple method of ensuring that brushes and combs are clean is by soaking them in hot water for at least 15 minutes. Make sure that the water is not boiling, or your combs will be ruined. If you don’t want to risk ruining your favorite brush or comb, keep them in a tightly sealed bag and put them in a freezer for ten to twelve hours to kill off any possible parasites.