They say you never know the value of something until it’s gone.
We spend hours taking care of our skin and health. Our beauty regime involves pampering ourselves with spa treatments and a strict diet to help us lose weight in some areas.

But one thing we often times forget is our hair. Does our hair care routine match with our skin care routine? Or do we always brush and tie up our mane in a bun because we don’t want to deal with brushing it?
Unfortunately, the last question rings true for many people. And for those who have struggled with lice infestation before, have learned the true value of their hair through the ineffective treatments available online.
The Problem with Homemade Remedies and OTC Products
One of the worst things you can do when battling against head lice is using homemade remedies and OTC products. The ingredients required for homemade remedies often times call for products that can leave the hair in a tangled mess and a greasy texture.
Over-the-counter anti-lice products result in brittle and damaged hair. In addition to this, they damage the scalp. This leads to hair fall and permanent damage to the roots of your hair.
Often times these products come with false label that tell victims they are endorsed by medical experts. This is not the case as toxins inside the bottles are not only dangerous to your hair but your overall health as well.
Loving Your Hair After a Lice Infestation
If you’ve tried everything in the book to get rid of lice, you’re well-aware of the problems it can cause. From brittle to damaged strands, lice infestation affects not only your social life but your self-confidence as well.
Once your hair becomes thin and damaged, it can be difficult to fix. But here’s what you can do to regain control of situation:
Use a Mild Shampoo
Your hair has already been damaged by the harsh chemicals in anti-lice products. By using a mild shampoo, you can reduce your hair’s exposure to these chemicals. Wash your hair with a product that has a pH balance.
Stop Using OTC Anti-Lice Products
Stop using anything that you can find in a department store labeled “anti-lice solution.” This not only leads to further damage, it can create bald patches. By getting rid of harsh chemicals, you can save your hair from a disastrous ending.
Check with a Professional Lice Removal Service
A professional
lice removal service will help you get back on track when it comes to fixing your hair. One of the first steps to getting back your luscious mane is to get rid of the root of the problem:
head lice.
Through the use of specialized combs and natural products, lice doctors can help
get rid of lice, nits and bugs, strand by strand.
At Lice Troopers, we ensure child safety through the use of natural products and special tools. Our lice treatments are suitable for both you and your child. We guarantee complete removal and offer in-home treatments, as well as home inspections.
Call 1-800-403-5423 to schedule an appointment today.