Talking Heads: Exploring the Curious Case of Contagious Lice
When you’re afflicted with a contagious illness, you do all that you can to avoid contact with the outside world.
Taking prescription drugs, staying indoors, maintaining physical distance, weeding out Doritos and Hostess rolls and replacing them with whole-wheat cookies and bran crackers—you do it all because you care.
But when you give in to a moment of weakness, peeking through the social window to see everyone else living it up, you begin to wallow in self-pity, whimpering silently as you think to yourself: What did I do to deserve this?
Be A Friend to Yourself First
One of the most difficult parts about being afflicted with a contagious condition is dealing with the social and physical alienation.
In some cases, the affliction is temporary; in others, it’s permanent.
Regardless of how long the condition lasts, however, one thing’s for certain: it leaves you with feelings of deep-seated remorse and shame, somehow making you believe you’re not worth experiencing companionship.
Just take the example of something as common as a lice infestation.
Plagued with social stigma and embarrassment, it’s enough for people to contemplate shaving their heads or keeping their heads perpetually covered.
This adds to feelings of resentment and self-loathing, pushing you further under your shell and convincing you that you don’t deserve positive attention.
And it’s precisely why treating head lice is as much a psychological necessity as it is a physical requirement.
Dealing with Contagion
While it’s thoughtful and advisable to avoid physical contact in order to keep your head lice from being spread to another host, by no means is it a permanent solution.
Unlike some contagious conditions, head lice infestation is fortunately treatable, with developments in science and technology giving birth to effective remedies.
Instead of beating around the bush and experimenting with futile home remedies, invest in a professional lice removal service that can get to the root of your infestation, treating it in one sitting.
When in doubt, seek guidance from professional haircare experts with a portfolio of satisfied clients.
Lice Troopers is a professional lice removal company based in Florida, specializing in pesticide free, non-toxic lice removal services. We focus on head screenings and customized lice removal treatments, offering our services in exclusive salons as well as private residences.
For more information, visit our blog or call us at 1.800.403.5423 to schedule an appointment!