Navigating The New Normal: Parenting During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to our daily lives. With the stay-at-home mandate and unemployment rate at 11%, parents and caregivers are struggling with psychological and emotional distress. On top of that, with schools shut down, children are granted front-row seats to their parents’ struggles and are experiencing the trickle-down effects of these stressful emotions.
Nearly 49% of all interviewed children in the U.S. claimed that they were worried, while 27% of them said they were anxious during these trying times. After all, they’ve lost the safety and stability of schools and with it, their social connections with teachers and friends. They’re dealing with their own feelings of uncertainty and fear, in addition to boredom, social isolation, and lack of outdoor play. Children may even respond to stress by being clingy, withdrawing, being overly agitated or angry, or bedwetting.
We understand that broaching the subject of the coronavirus can be difficult. However, it’s important to discuss the pandemic, to explain the importance of social distancing and proper hygiene practices in an age-appropriate manner. In the process, you must also acknowledge the kids’ feelings of uncertainty and support them emotionally.
Keep in mind that your pets can’t spread head lice to your child.
Helping Kids Cope With Anxiety
As parents and caregivers, we need to emulate the behavior we wish to see from kids, especially when reacting to stressful situations. Experts believe that dealing with your own anxiety in a healthy way is one of the most powerful ways to make your child feel secure. Additionally, kids need adult attention and love during these difficult times. So, make sure to have an open conversation, listen to your child’s concerns, and let them know that it’s natural to feel anxious. Reassure them and give them the opportunity to play and relax.Keep A Sense Of Structure At Home With Homeschooling
With social distancing and stay-at-home mandates now part of the new normal, parents have taken on the role of a teacher as well. In addition to juggling the pressures of work and chores, they are now required to homeschool their children and manage their kids’ online learning routines. If you feel overwhelmed and anxious as you wait to hear news on schools reopening, just know that you’re not alone! We offer some expert homeschooling tips on how to ensure consistency in your child’s educational journey while you juggle multiple roles.
1. Set A Routine
While many schools have already adopted distance learning programs, others are in the process of launching them; in any case, children will likely have coursework assigned by their teachers. Start by helping your child understand the expectations and goals for their grade level. Keep in mind that homeschool is quite different from a traditional school day that covers multiple subjects. Since recesses and teacher transitions take up a major part of the school day, you might be surprised to find that study sessions don’t take as long at home. Homeschooling gives you the opportunity to observe what routine works for your child and family and build a schedule around it. This could mean getting done with assignments first thing in the morning and incorporating unstructured play and activities in the afternoon. It may be challenging at first, but the key is to find a rhythm that works for you and your child.2. Embrace A Structure That’s Not Too Restrictive
It’s easy for a child to fall into a rut of endless videogames and TV at home, which is why you need to structure their routine. However, this doesn’t mean planning out every minute of their day. You need to embrace the non-restrictive nature of homeschooling and ensure their routine is flexible. Perhaps one week, your kids may want to build a treehouse or spend all day exploring nature in the yard and learn more about life sciences. Let them discover and learn. Think outside the box of ways in which you can incorporate education into their daily lives and make learning more fun. Younger children can help you sort mail or fold the laundry to work on their motor and reading skills. Older children can assist you in budget management to learn more about social studies and math. Homeschooling presents you with a great opportunity to teach your children life skills.3. Set Up A Separate Homeschooling Space
While kids may need activity during the day, you should designate areas for schoolwork, and have the kids pack up their school materials or play items when they’re finished. This will further reinforce their homeschooling routines. You should also create some “homeschool rules” and set dedicated hours for learning, breaks, and lunchtime.
The Downside Of Homeschool: Potential Head Lice Infestation
We can all agree that there are some upsides to homeschooling: no more stressing over packing the kids’ lunch or trying to get everyone out the door in the mornings. However, there’s one looming problem: changes to public health approaches, which is why you have to check for head lice and nits. This can be problematic given that a lot of parents are unaware that their children have nits, and the proper methods of removing them. This can easily lead to a neglected lice infestation. Plus, sheltering at home together and living in close proximity only increases the chances of lice spreading to every member of the family, causing overwhelming stress and panic. In a battle between these blood-sucking parasites and the children’s hair, the real casualties are the anxious and stressed-out parents. The school will no longer warn you of a “head lice outbreak”. Instead, you’ll find that these parasites have already made it into your home, and are currently making their way from one child’s hair to another, passing on between combs, brushes, headbands, clothing, and even couch cushions! Before you know it, you’re going through the five stages of coping with head lice: denial, anger, freak out, acceptance, and containment. Head lice can send the toughest of parents running for cover to their nearest pediatrician’s office. Even though head lice don’t cause any medical harm, they can cause an enormous amount of anxiety among parents―which will add to the profound stress from the pandemic. Therefore, lice prevention is key during the coronavirus pandemic. Our lice specialists in Lawrence, NY, share some on tips on a guaranteed lice treatment, in addition to providing home lice treatment kits that come with an pesticide free lice treatment shampoo, leather cleaner, carpet and upholstery cleaner, and lice extraction comb.
Remind Me, What Are Head Lice?
Head lice are 2mm to 4mm blood-sucking, wingless insects that feed on the human scalp. They’re light grey or tan-colored and cling onto hair strands. They usually stay close to the scalp for food, warmth and moisture. The female louse can lay more than 100 eggs (nits) in her lifetime. These eggs are attached to the hair shaft with a strong adhesive protein secreted by the louse. They hatch in 10 days and eventually turn into adult lice. Adult lice suck on the infected scalp for blood every 3 to 6 hours, spending up to 15 minutes each time, while simultaneously injecting saliva. Lice can live for as long as a month on the scalp but only survive up to 3 days once they detach from the human host. While the lifecycle of head lice is simple, it is crucial to understanding these patterns for identifying and treating infestations. The empty eggshells left behind on the hair shaft once the lice have hatched aren’t the source of infestation; they stick to the hair and eventually grow out with the strands. Lice may make you squeamish and give you the heebie-jeebies, but they’re not a health hazard and don’t spread illnesses. However, excessive scratching can lead to scabs and skin infections. Children may also have trouble sleeping and feel irritable. Needless to say, a lice infestation is emotionally draining and upsetting for both the child and their family.
How Do They Spread?
Head-to-head contact is one of the most common ways for head lice to spread—and with families sheltering at home during the pandemic, it can quickly turn into a full-blown infestation. Get in touch with Lice Troopers in Lawrence NY to find out how you can keep your home lice-free with our inspection and cleaning services. Contrary to popular belief, poor hygiene has nothing do with a lice infestation; it’s just a matter of coming in close contact with someone who has lice. Some other common culprits are infested pillows, couch and carpets, hair accessories, or clothing articles like hats, uniforms, or scarves used by someone with head lice. Be cautious of kids who constantly scratch their heads as they crowd around smartphones and tablets.