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Using Fluorescent Lights for Routine Home Lice Checks

Lice have been feasting on the human head for centuries now.The earliest records of dried head lice and their eggs have been found on the heads and scalps of Egyptian mummies. However,west ill do not know how far back lice go.

Using Fluorescent Lights for Routine Home Lice Checks2017-11-01T10:20:16-05:00

The Top 4 Places Lice Hide

Lice love human heads.They tread on them, feast on them,lay eggs on them; in short, they have a happy life on them. No matter what social class or religious background that head belongs to, lice love all heads without discrimination. However,

The Top 4 Places Lice Hide2017-11-01T10:19:02-05:00

3 Common Ways Lice Spread

Being 1/8th of an inch in length,the head louse is tiny yet quite effective. The main evidence of its success as a species is that we humans have,so far,not been able to get rid of them.In fact, what’s more surprising is that

3 Common Ways Lice Spread2017-11-01T09:22:31-05:00


Each year, as kids head back to school, parents, teachers and lice removal services see an increase in head lice outbreaks. That’s why there is no better month than September to focus on head lice prevention and awareness. The kick off


5 Things Parents Should Know To Survive a Super Lice Infestation

As parents, there are few sights scarier than watching those small white eggs on the edge of your child’s scalp. Millions of kids in the United States are affected each year with lice infestation. To add to the trouble, there has

5 Things Parents Should Know To Survive a Super Lice Infestation2017-11-01T08:52:11-05:00

Some FAQs about Effective Lice Treatment

We all know what head lice are. These tiny insects sucking our blood and surviving on our scalp are actually called Pediculus human uscapitis. Elementary and preschool-age children and their families are at greatest risk for getting head lice. Girls also

Some FAQs about Effective Lice Treatment2017-11-01T08:50:30-05:00

Summer Vacations: Lice Love It Too!

It’s that time of the year we all wait for. Summer vacations are as exciting for parents as for kids. School children are set free, leaving parents struggling with how they’re going to manage until fall. Regardless of what you feel

Summer Vacations: Lice Love It Too!2017-11-01T08:47:59-05:00

The Topic of Head Lice: Parents Talking to Parents

Regardless of how embarrassed parents may feel about their kids getting head lice, it must be addressed. Parents need to understand this is a common problem. Not just kids, but adults and elderly people get head lice too. If you’re a worried

The Topic of Head Lice: Parents Talking to Parents2017-11-01T08:46:01-05:00

Always Choose the Professional Route When Thinking of Lice Treatment Options

Parents have three main options to choose from when it comes to lice removal. There’s the DIY method, i.e. slathering your child’s head with an OTC lice removal solution or hiring professional lice removal services. DIY Lice Removal Isn’t 100% Successful

Always Choose the Professional Route When Thinking of Lice Treatment Options2021-11-09T11:13:33-05:00
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