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Head Lice Today Is More Common Than We May Think

Every year, millions of people get head lice, and we’re no different. In fact, according to the CDC, 6-12 million people in the United States alone get head lice each year. With such a large number of affected children, why is it

Head Lice Today Is More Common Than We May Think2017-11-01T08:03:38-05:00

The Purpose and Life of Head Lice

You must have dealt with the disgusting and persistent issue of lice removal at least once in your life. Contracting a bad case of head lice is an inevitable fact of life, but you may have often wondered where the nasty

The Purpose and Life of Head Lice2017-11-01T07:55:35-05:00

Lice Treatments: Which One Is Effective?

Not very long ago, parents of kids with head lice had three solutions: Harsh, toxic chemical treatments (over the counter), Lice combing method (performed at home), Unverified home remedies such as mayonnaise, tea tree oil and even grease. OTC Treatments Over-the-counter and prescription

Lice Treatments: Which One Is Effective?2017-11-01T07:48:12-05:00

Effective Lice Removal Technique: Wet Combing

The American Academy of Dermatology does validate that head lice can be killed using potent and concentrated pediculicidal shampoo available at the local drugstore. And yet, this pesticide formula is often overused or misused by parents. Research is also showing that these treatments

Effective Lice Removal Technique: Wet Combing2017-11-01T06:57:48-05:00

All That You Need To Know About Super Lice

As far as lice removal goes, parents just visit their local drug store and purchase the best brand of commercial lice removal shampoo and douse their child in the contents. While it might seem like an easy thing to do, following this

All That You Need To Know About Super Lice2017-10-31T12:47:23-05:00

Why Chemical Treatments for Removing Head Lice are Harmful

As the new school year begins, many children between the ages of 3 and 12 (or even older) will show up at school with tanned skin and lice in their hair. As many schools throughout the United States have declared a

Why Chemical Treatments for Removing Head Lice are Harmful2017-10-31T11:52:51-05:00

Buying Over-the-Counter Head Lice Removal Products? Think Again

When your child experiences a head lice infestation, it’s natural for you to go into panic mode. Between worrying about the social embarrassment and impending school notice, switching to a quick over-the-counter lice solution seems the only way out. That’s probably the

Buying Over-the-Counter Head Lice Removal Products? Think Again2017-10-31T10:04:56-05:00

Super Lice – Why You Should Be Worried

Kids love playing outdoors.  But they bring in more than just sand and dirt . Among the unwanted guests, the most unwelcome and absolutely disgusting are head lice. But 21st century parents have more to worry about than just ordinary lice. New

Super Lice – Why You Should Be Worried2017-10-31T10:02:46-05:00


When people hear they can treat lice at home, they’re usually envisioning smearing their children’s heads in mayonnaise, olive oil or some other pantry product. But we’re hear to say if it sounds like an old wives’ tale, it probably is.

TREAT LICE AT HOME WITH THESE TIPS2017-10-31T09:59:23-05:00
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