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Celebrities Get Infested With Head Lice Too!

Celebrities are just like us – and yes, they get head lice too! Head lice are not discriminatory and they do not affect a single group of people. The sight of head lice on someone’s hair instantly gives us the impression

Celebrities Get Infested With Head Lice Too!2017-10-31T08:52:57-05:00


Head lice. For all the rumors and myths that fly around about this common childhood condition, and for as dreaded as it is, most parents and schools are scratching their heads when it comes to getting rid of it.   There

GET RID OF LICE FAST. HERE'S HOW.2017-10-31T08:47:11-05:00


If you’re a parent, you know what head lice are. Or, at the very least, you know they’re something you want to avoid at all costs. But what causes head lice? Is it poor hygiene? Are the pests airborne?   As

WHAT CAUSES HEAD LICE?2017-10-31T08:45:51-05:00

8 post-Lice Treatment Tips By LiceTroopers

Wash all lice- infested bedding and clothing in hot water and run them through the dryer. Carefully dry clean items that cannot be washed. Soak all brushes, a combs and hair clips in boiling water, or discard. Make sure to vacuum

8 post-Lice Treatment Tips By LiceTroopers2017-10-31T08:44:14-05:00

How Long Can Head Lice Live?

Head lice create a universal health problem, particularly for children. Like every parasite, the house needs a host in order to survive. For head lice, this host is a human head. They suck blood from the scalp, their only supply of

How Long Can Head Lice Live?2017-10-31T08:41:33-05:00

Head Lice Symptoms You Need To Take Seriously

Have you been caught in the trap of believing that no itching means no head lice? It seems sensible, but it may not be true.  One of the most widespread and commonly known tell-tale symptoms associated with head lice is itching,

Head Lice Symptoms You Need To Take Seriously2017-10-31T08:33:15-05:00

What Could Be The Causes Of An Itchy Scalp?

If you’re relentlessly scratching your head because of an irritated or itchy scalp, it could be more than merely dandruff. There are a wide range of conditions that can cause your scalp to become itchy. From dandruff to ringworm to a more

What Could Be The Causes Of An Itchy Scalp?2017-10-31T08:30:33-05:00


Maybe you’ve heard news reports or parents talking about super lice. A case of regular head lice is bad enough, now what are these super lice people are talking about? Just like antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, super lice are a class

WHAT'S THE BEST SUPER LICE TREATMENT?2017-10-31T08:27:13-05:00


Despite the fact that lice have been around since nearly the dawn of time, we find that there is still quite a lot of confusion around this pesky parasite, and a lot of stigma too. While no one would think to

DO ADULTS GET LICE?2017-10-31T08:22:48-05:00


When the kids start itching their heads, the parents can’t help but panic. Head lice, although tiny and extremely common among school going children, provoke great fear and a feeling of defeat. Parents’ first concern is to get rid of the

DO NATURAL LICE TREATMENTS WORK?2017-10-31T08:22:00-05:00
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