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DIY No More—Call Lice Troopers to Your Doorstep!

The age old dilemma of head lice is one that is universal. Whichever continent you reside in, whatever your socioeconomic background, no one is entirely safe from lice infestations. For this reason, the struggle to get rid of head lice is

DIY No More—Call Lice Troopers to Your Doorstep!2017-11-01T13:32:40-05:00

Lice Alert! When Is it Time to Call in the Pros?

So you’ve got a head lice problem on your hands. From the first sign of a creepy crawly critter making its way around you to your child’s scalp, begins a battle against lice infestation. Maybe It’s Time to Get Professionals Involved

Lice Alert! When Is it Time to Call in the Pros?2017-11-01T13:31:57-05:00

Thick Hair, Don’t Care? A Lice Infestation Just Might Make You!

Who doesn’t want thick, voluminous hair? Hair is a significant part of our personal aesthetics, and there’s nothing like some thick curls to give someone a whole lot of character. Of course, thick hair isn’t entirely easy to maintain. And when

Thick Hair, Don’t Care? A Lice Infestation Just Might Make You!2017-11-01T13:31:13-05:00

Lingering Lice—Preventing Repeat Infestations

Head lice are not only irritating, they’re stubborn as well. Contracting lice is incredibly easy, as they are highly contagious. However, removing them is a whole other ballgame.One of the most common issues faced by people with a lice infestation is

Lingering Lice—Preventing Repeat Infestations2017-11-01T13:30:29-05:00

What if Having Lice Was the Norm?

Hearing the word ‘lice’ sends a shiver down our spine. It’s not because we’re scared of the creepy crawly critters but because we associate the problem with poor hygiene. “Do they ever bathe?” and “When was the last time they combed

What if Having Lice Was the Norm?2017-11-01T13:29:41-05:00

Lice Lessons from a Nit-Picky Mom: What You Shouldn’t Do

Raising kids is stressful but what’s even worse is spending hours removing lice from their hair. Not only does it take an immense amount of time and dedication to get anywhere near to solving the problem, the next day you’re left

Lice Lessons from a Nit-Picky Mom: What You Shouldn’t Do2017-11-01T13:29:05-05:00

Falling in Love with Your Hair after a Head Lice Infestation

They say you never know the value of something until it’s gone. We spend hours taking care of our skin and health. Our beauty regime involves pampering ourselves with spa treatments and a strict diet to help us lose weight in

Falling in Love with Your Hair after a Head Lice Infestation2017-11-01T13:28:14-05:00

5 Reasons Your Kid Keep Getting Lice

Here are the 5 reasons why your kid keep getting lice: Looking for a reliable head lice removal service in Florida for your entire family? Contact Lice Troopers.

5 Reasons Your Kid Keep Getting Lice2017-11-01T13:26:40-05:00

5 Ways You Can Protect Yourself From Lice Infestation

Here are the five 5 key ways that you can follow to protect yourself from lice infestation: Looking for one of the best places to get head lice screening in South Florida? Visit Lice Troopers.

5 Ways You Can Protect Yourself From Lice Infestation2017-11-01T13:25:28-05:00
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