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All In Good Humor: 3 Times You Encouraged Lice-Shaming Without Realizing It

“Don’t play with the neighbor’s kids, Jocelyn. They have lice because they don’t shower every day” Do you remember your mother saying another variation of this sentence to you, as a kid? Do you remember what comes after such an interaction? Somehow

All In Good Humor: 3 Times You Encouraged Lice-Shaming Without Realizing It2017-11-01T13:03:34-05:00

3 Local Hotspots That Are Breeding Grounds for Head Lice

When you go to the movies, the last thing you worry about is contracting head lice. Yet, it’s the one place, among several other meeting spots, that’s notorious for breeding blood-sucking parasites. Hopping from head to head, they attack silently and leisurely, every scene in the

3 Local Hotspots That Are Breeding Grounds for Head Lice2017-11-01T13:02:47-05:00

Honey, I Shrunk the Nits: The Toil of Head Lice Detection

It’s the summer vacation. You are out with your girls for a much needed spa day, followed by dinner and drinks. Peace and relaxation envelops your mind with each glide of the masseuse’s talented hands on your body. The scented candles

Honey, I Shrunk the Nits: The Toil of Head Lice Detection2017-11-01T13:01:19-05:00

Lice Prevention and Treatment: Celebrity Edition

They’re rich, they’re famous, they’re beautiful, and they’re human. Celebrities are the enviable gods of a postmodern society, sitting atop the peak of success, looking down at the world that placed them there. That’s right; they may be rich and famous, but at the

Lice Prevention and Treatment: Celebrity Edition2017-11-01T12:59:26-05:00

Lice Attack: How to Armor Up For Battle

We’ve heard this story way too many times. You’re going about your day, no worry in the world, wearing your favorite top, your hair all done—walking with a spring in your step as you grace the café where your friends await

Lice Attack: How to Armor Up For Battle2017-11-01T12:57:39-05:00

4 Ways Parents Can Stifle Head Lice Before It Gets Out Of Control

Head lice—don’t we just hate it? It is the most abhorrent thing that people experience after clogged toilets and flying cockroaches. Worst of all, we are completely helpless against head lice - or so it seems. Parents don’t realize this, but

4 Ways Parents Can Stifle Head Lice Before It Gets Out Of Control2017-11-01T12:55:01-05:00

Close Encounters: 3 Times You Dodged a Lice Bullet

Beauty isn’t the only thing found in unlikely places. The next time you scratch your head in bewilderment, amazed by the splendor of a surreal moment—you might want to take a moment to reconsider the cause of that itch. Head lice

Close Encounters: 3 Times You Dodged a Lice Bullet2017-11-01T12:53:49-05:00
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