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Lice Combs Over The Ages

People today display their status with name-brand clothes and shoes. Nothing else says ‘Hey, I am rich’ more than a shiny, designer watch or the latest Apple gadget. Back in the day however, social status was determined by how nice your lice

Lice Combs Over The Ages2017-11-01T12:52:53-05:00

Child’s Play: Dealing With Your Child’s Lice Infestation

There’s no time in life quite like the easy breezy days of childhood. A period marked by pure innocence and silly laughter, wide-eyed dolls and remote-controlled cars. As you watch your children play cheerfully in their tree-house, you see the great

Child’s Play: Dealing With Your Child’s Lice Infestation2017-11-01T12:51:44-05:00

Leave No Stone Unturned: Hiring Home Inspection for Head Lice

There’s a cure for pretty much every household conundrum these days, from leaky faucets to broken pipes—all it requires is a little bit of TLC and everything’s good as new! Unfortunately, the same can’t be said of certain afflictions that plague

Leave No Stone Unturned: Hiring Home Inspection for Head Lice2017-11-01T12:48:47-05:00

Having Trouble Falling Asleep? It Might Not Be Stress…

Sleep is quite simply one of the most underrated aspects of good health, easily forming the cornerstone of an active body and sound mind. Think about it. All those times you couldn’t brainstorm ideas at work because you were up all

Having Trouble Falling Asleep? It Might Not Be Stress…2017-11-01T12:46:21-05:00

Home Made Disaster: Why Home Remedies Can’t Treat Head Lice

Imagine standing before the bathroom sink for hours on end, a trail of combs and hairbrushes lined up on the vanity beside a variety of hair oils and thick-rimmed spectacles. Your faces inches from the bathroom mirror, you lean in a

Home Made Disaster: Why Home Remedies Can’t Treat Head Lice2017-11-01T12:45:37-05:00

Itching for a Cure: Why Head Lice Make Us Frustrated

There are few afflictions known to man more frustrating than head lice infestation, and the physical, psychological and social torment caused by tiny bugs the size of sesame seeds. We all know of the embarrassment and social stigma attached to contracting head

Itching for a Cure: Why Head Lice Make Us Frustrated2017-11-01T12:43:52-05:00

Talking Heads: Exploring the Curious Case of Contagious Lice

When you’re afflicted with a contagious illness, you do all that you can to avoid contact with the outside world. Taking prescription drugs, staying indoors, maintaining physical distance, weeding out Doritos and Hostess rolls and replacing them with whole-wheat cookies and

Talking Heads: Exploring the Curious Case of Contagious Lice2017-11-01T12:42:49-05:00

Haunted House: The Lingering Effects of Head Lice

Like a ghost in old hallways, floating in empty mansions, some problems never really leave you alone—haunting you to no end as you run the opposite direction as fast as you possibly can. One such example is the attack of head

Haunted House: The Lingering Effects of Head Lice2017-11-01T12:41:42-05:00
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