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What Happens When You Have Nits but No Lice

If you have nits in your hair, the presence of an adult female louse is guaranteed. Why is it that you simply cannot find it or any other insects for that matter? Before we dig it to the question, let’s explain

What Happens When You Have Nits but No Lice2021-11-24T09:12:28-05:00

Can Home Remedies Really Get Rid of Lice?

Let’s admit it; we have all been a victim of home remedies for lice removal. At least once in our life, we have poured a bottle of coke or vinegar on our heads to magically cure our problems: those pesky, annoying

Can Home Remedies Really Get Rid of Lice?2021-11-09T08:51:54-05:00

Are You More Prone to Head Lice than Others?

Where there is hair there are lice. Unless you’re rocking a bald hair-do, you are not immune to this menace. We have all wondered if we are the usual target of lice compared to those around us. There are some assumptions surrounding

Are You More Prone to Head Lice than Others?2021-11-09T10:18:47-05:00

The Downside To OTC Lice Removal Treatment

It’s never a good day when you get the call from your child’s school saying that your child is infested with lice and cannot return to school until they are lice-free. No matter how common lice are amongst children, they will

The Downside To OTC Lice Removal Treatment2021-11-09T10:19:16-05:00

Rapunzel Hair and Head Lice: Is Chopping Your Hair Off the Only Solution?

Growing out your hair can be a satisfying yet frustrating experience. There’s nothing like waves of long, lustrous locks, an eye-catching mane that has heads turning. However, the hair care that comes with such a venture is quite particular. Regular hair

Rapunzel Hair and Head Lice: Is Chopping Your Hair Off the Only Solution?2021-11-09T10:20:21-05:00

Problems We’ve All Encountered During Our Childhood

Ah, childhood. Some of our best memories are of our shenanigans when we were kids. From playing innocent and blaming the cat when we broke mom’s previous vase, to answering for our friends during class attendance. And now, as parents, watching

Problems We’ve All Encountered During Our Childhood2021-11-09T10:21:26-05:00

Prevent Your Kid From Getting Lice This Winter

Winter is the time for head-lice breakouts. After the holidays are over, your children will be heading back to school which gives lice an opportunity to spread. Here’s how you can prevent your kid from getting lice this winter. 1.Tell your

Prevent Your Kid From Getting Lice This Winter2021-11-09T10:22:31-05:00

Kiddy Hacks For Parents

Parenthood is rewarding. The tinkling laughter, cutely garbled words, and the tiniest little things your kids do will live with you forever. On the darker side of it is the zombie-like demeanor you have when deprived of a good night’s sleep

Kiddy Hacks For Parents2021-11-09T10:23:04-05:00

Why Your Lice Removal Shampoo Just Won’t Work

It’s a horrifying moment, when that first insatiable itch strikes, and steadily develops into an incessant need to scratch away at your scalp. The realization comes slowly but surely—you have head lice. The proof can come in the form of a

Why Your Lice Removal Shampoo Just Won’t Work2021-11-09T10:37:20-05:00
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