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Where Do You Service?

Lice Troopers services Florida & the New York. See here for a complete listing of our service areas.

Where Do You Service?2021-10-16T13:31:55-05:00

How Did My Child Get Head Lice?

Head lice are passed through head-to-head contact with an individual who has head lice or by sharing personal belongings such as hairbrushes, pillows, hats and anything else that touches the hair or scalp. Head lice are highly contagious and thus pass

How Did My Child Get Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:34:23-05:00

Can My Child Get Head Lice From a Swimming Pool?

While not impossible, it is highly unlikely. When exposed to water, head lice clamp down securely on the hair strand so as to survive contact. It is for this reason that hair washing does not eradicate lice. Chlorine, seawater and shampoo

Can My Child Get Head Lice From a Swimming Pool?2021-10-07T17:33:12-05:00

Can Head Lice Be Passed to Our Pets?

No, head lice are parasites that feed specifically on the blood of humans. You do not need to be concerned about passing head lice to pets or catching it from them.

Can Head Lice Be Passed to Our Pets?2021-10-07T17:32:27-05:00

Can Adults Get Head Lice? or Just Children?

Both adults and children can get head lice. However, head lice is more common in children and teens because of their increased tendency to share hair brushes and hats and the amount of time they spend in close contact at school,

Can Adults Get Head Lice? or Just Children?2021-10-07T17:31:34-05:00

Are Head Lice Contagious?

Yes. Unlike illnesses such as the cold, flu or strep throat, head lice are not a bacteria or virus, they are not airborne, nor are they spread by casual contact such as shaking hands. Head lice lives on the hair and

Are Head Lice Contagious?2021-10-07T17:30:52-05:00

Why Should I Be Concerned About Other Treatments That Contain Harsh Chemicals?

The chemicals in over the counter head lice treatments and prescription shampoos used to kill lice and nits are essentially pesticides. These potent pesticides usually have potentially dangerous side effects and health risks associated with their use. Our methods are pesticide

Why Should I Be Concerned About Other Treatments That Contain Harsh Chemicals?2021-10-27T15:52:00-05:00

What Is Lice Busters?

Lice Busters is a professional head lice removal treatment approach developed by CEO Dalya Harel. The Lice Busters method is pesticide free and guaranteed effective with just one treatment.

What Is Lice Busters?2021-10-27T15:52:07-05:00

Is Lice Troopers a Part of Lice Busters?

Lice Troopers is a sister company of the nationally recognized Lice Busters. We employ the same guaranteed effective, pesticide free head lice removal treatment originally pioneered by Lice Busters.

Is Lice Troopers a Part of Lice Busters?2021-10-27T15:52:14-05:00

How Is Lice Troopers Different From Other Head Lice Removal Methods?

At Lice Troopers we know that home remedies, over-the-counter treatments and prescription shampoos are not only messy and potentially toxic, they just don’t work. Our method is pesticide free and completely chemical free. It’s also guaranteed. No repeat treatments, no hassle,

How Is Lice Troopers Different From Other Head Lice Removal Methods?2021-10-27T15:52:20-05:00
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