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Are Lice Troopers Products Safe?

Yes. We pride ourselves on our pesticide free, organic and environmentally friendly treatments and methods. There is no need to expose your child to harsh chemicals—they’re ineffective anyway. The techniques we employ have been used for decades and are proven safe

Are Lice Troopers Products Safe?2021-10-27T15:52:27-05:00

My Scalp Is Not Itchy, Does That Mean I Don’t Have Lice?

Not necessarily. Head lice cause itchiness of the scalp when they bite into the skin. Their saliva can cause a reaction in people who are allergic to it, and the bites can lead to red, itchy welts. In people who are

My Scalp Is Not Itchy, Does That Mean I Don’t Have Lice?2021-10-07T17:23:51-05:00

Does Itchy Scalp Mean I Definitely Have Lice?

Not necessarily. Itchiness on the scalp may have many other causes such as dryness, heat and sweat, infrequent washing, buildup of dirt and debris, allergic reactions, psoriasis and other rashes and skin conditions. While itchy scalp is a symptom of a

Does Itchy Scalp Mean I Definitely Have Lice?2021-10-07T17:23:05-05:00

How Do I Know If My Child Has Head Lice?

You may notice the telltale signs of head lice such as itchy scalp. Or you may be able to spot the lice and/or nits in your child’s hair.

How Do I Know If My Child Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:22:32-05:00

What Are the Symptoms of Head Lice?

The most common symptom of head lice is an itchy scalp as well as the sensation of movement or crawling on the scalp. However, an individual may have lice for several weeks before showing any symptoms. As an infestation progresses, the

What Are the Symptoms of Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:21:50-05:00

Does Insurance Cover Head Lice Removal Treatment?

Many insurance plans will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses for head lice removal treatment, but this will vary by plan and provider. Check with your provider for more information. If your insurance plan covers these out-of-pocket expenses, Lice Troopers can provide the forms

Does Insurance Cover Head Lice Removal Treatment?2021-10-07T17:18:55-05:00
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