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Do OTC Drugstore Treatments Work?

Over-the-counter treatments are not only ineffective, they are unsafe. The only way to completely eliminate head lice is to manually comb out all lice and nits with a specially designed comb. Solutions, shampoos and other “remedies” won’t make them go away.

Do OTC Drugstore Treatments Work?2021-10-07T17:07:52-05:00

My Doctor Has Recommended a Prescription Shampoo—Will This Eliminate the Lice?

Prescription shampoos are formulated from harsh chemicals that are not guaranteed to kill or eliminate the lice—and exposing your child to these toxins isn’t worth it. Over time and with the use of pesticides, head lice have become resistant to these

My Doctor Has Recommended a Prescription Shampoo—Will This Eliminate the Lice?2021-10-07T17:06:28-05:00

Once I Treat My Child How Do I Know They Won’t Get Lice Again?

Once you have been treated by Lice Troopers, we provide a set of follow-up instructions that help you to take the necessary steps to protect your child and your home from a repeat infestation. Kids should be especially careful of head-to-head

Once I Treat My Child How Do I Know They Won’t Get Lice Again?2021-10-07T17:05:29-05:00

Will Cleaning My Home Prevent Head Lice?

No. It is a myth that head lice are more prevalent among unclean or cluttered environments. Anyone can get head lice regardless of the cleanliness of one’s home.

Will Cleaning My Home Prevent Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:59:08-05:00

How Can Head Lice Be Prevented?

Head lice prevention begins by avoiding contact with people who have head lice. Since it is impossible to know who has head lice and who does not, it is recommended that individuals (especially children) not share personal belongings that come in

How Can Head Lice Be Prevented?2021-10-07T16:58:04-05:00

Will Bathing Everyday Prevent Head Lice?

No. Head lice infestations have no relation to personal cleanliness, if anything lice seem to pass more easily among those who have very clean hair. Lice are remarkably resilient creatures—once an individual has head lice, they cannot be washed away.

Will Bathing Everyday Prevent Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:57:33-05:00

What Is the Best Way to Check for Lice?

The best way to check for lice is manual examination by a trained professional. It is easy to mistake head lice and nits for flaky scalp or other debris—the eyes of our lice removal technicians are trained specifically to spot lice

What Is the Best Way to Check for Lice?2021-10-07T16:56:56-05:00

Is It Lice or Protein?

You can find out by extracting the particle and placing on a white paper towel. If the particle shows up against the paper towel, it is most likely an egg.

Is It Lice or Protein?2021-10-07T16:56:02-05:00

Is It Lice or Dandruff?

Head lice nits (eggs) and dandruff may be similar in appearance (both small and white or yellowish in color), but the important difference is the way in which lice and nits adhere to the hair. Dandruff and flakes caused by dry

Is It Lice or Dandruff?2021-10-07T16:55:24-05:00
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