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Frequently Asked Questions

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Where Do You Service?2021-10-16T13:31:55-05:00
Lice Troopers services Florida & the New York. See here for a complete listing of our service areas.
How Did My Child Get Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:34:23-05:00
Head lice are passed through head-to-head contact with an individual who has head lice or by sharing personal belongings such as hairbrushes, pillows, hats and anything else that touches the hair or scalp. Head lice are highly contagious and thus pass rapidly among children in close contact such as in schools, daycare centers, summer camps and on sports teams. Anyone can get head lice and anyone can pass it—the condition has no relation to the cleanliness of the home or personal hygiene.
Can My Child Get Head Lice From a Swimming Pool?2021-10-07T17:33:12-05:00
While not impossible, it is highly unlikely. When exposed to water, head lice clamp down securely on the hair strand so as to survive contact. It is for this reason that hair washing does not eradicate lice. Chlorine, seawater and shampoo are no match for this parasite. Head lice can, however, be passed by towels, hairbrushes and other personal items that have had contact with the hair of an individual who has lice.
Can Head Lice Be Passed to Our Pets?2021-10-07T17:32:27-05:00
No, head lice are parasites that feed specifically on the blood of humans. You do not need to be concerned about passing head lice to pets or catching it from them.
Can Adults Get Head Lice? or Just Children?2021-10-07T17:31:34-05:00
Both adults and children can get head lice. However, head lice is more common in children and teens because of their increased tendency to share hair brushes and hats and the amount of time they spend in close contact at school, on sports teams, at summer camp or at sleepovers. Taking photographs in which hair and heads come into contact with each other (i.e. “selfies”) also commonly spreads head lice among children and teens.
Are Head Lice Contagious?2021-10-07T17:30:52-05:00
Yes. Unlike illnesses such as the cold, flu or strep throat, head lice are not a bacteria or virus, they are not airborne, nor are they spread by casual contact such as shaking hands. Head lice lives on the hair and scalp and spread by head-to-head contact or the sharing of personal items that come in contact with the hair.
Why Should I Be Concerned About Other Treatments That Contain Harsh Chemicals?2021-10-27T15:52:00-05:00
The chemicals in over the counter head lice treatments and prescription shampoos used to kill lice and nits are essentially pesticides. These potent pesticides usually have potentially dangerous side effects and health risks associated with their use. Our methods are pesticide free, safe and guaranteed. There is no need to expose your child to harsh chemicals in order to eliminate head lice once and for all.
What Is Lice Busters?2021-10-27T15:52:07-05:00
Lice Busters is a professional head lice removal treatment approach developed by CEO Dalya Harel. The Lice Busters method is pesticide free and guaranteed effective with just one treatment.
Is Lice Troopers a Part of Lice Busters?2021-10-27T15:52:14-05:00
Lice Troopers is a sister company of the nationally recognized Lice Busters. We employ the same guaranteed effective, pesticide free head lice removal treatment originally pioneered by Lice Busters.
How Is Lice Troopers Different From Other Head Lice Removal Methods?2021-10-27T15:52:20-05:00
At Lice Troopers we know that home remedies, over-the-counter treatments and prescription shampoos are not only messy and potentially toxic, they just don’t work. Our method is pesticide free and completely chemical free. It’s also guaranteed. No repeat treatments, no hassle, no wasted time or money.
Are Lice Troopers Products Safe?2021-10-27T15:52:27-05:00
Yes. We pride ourselves on our pesticide free, organic and environmentally friendly treatments and methods. There is no need to expose your child to harsh chemicals—they’re ineffective anyway. The techniques we employ have been used for decades and are proven safe and effective.
My Scalp Is Not Itchy, Does That Mean I Don’t Have Lice?2021-10-07T17:23:51-05:00
Not necessarily. Head lice cause itchiness of the scalp when they bite into the skin. Their saliva can cause a reaction in people who are allergic to it, and the bites can lead to red, itchy welts. In people who are not allergic, itching may not be experienced until the case becomes a severe infestation. However, if you have recently been exposed to head lice, they may be present in the hair, but have not yet made contact with the scalp. An individual may have head lice for several weeks before experiencing symptoms.
Does Itchy Scalp Mean I Definitely Have Lice?2021-10-07T17:23:05-05:00
Not necessarily. Itchiness on the scalp may have many other causes such as dryness, heat and sweat, infrequent washing, buildup of dirt and debris, allergic reactions, psoriasis and other rashes and skin conditions. While itchy scalp is a symptom of a head lice infestation, it is not a definitive indicator. The individual’s hair and scalp must be screened for the presence of lice and/or nits.
How Do I Know If My Child Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:22:32-05:00
You may notice the telltale signs of head lice such as itchy scalp. Or you may be able to spot the lice and/or nits in your child’s hair.
What Are the Symptoms of Head Lice?2021-10-07T17:21:50-05:00
The most common symptom of head lice is an itchy scalp as well as the sensation of movement or crawling on the scalp. However, an individual may have lice for several weeks before showing any symptoms. As an infestation progresses, the scalp becomes itchy and red welts may develop. These can lead to open sores if not treated.
Do You Take Credit Cards?2021-10-07T17:21:09-05:00
Yes. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
Do You Take Checks?2021-10-07T17:20:36-05:00
How Do I Know If My Health Insurance Provider Reimburses Head Lice Removal Treatment?2021-10-07T17:20:03-05:00
Check with your health insurance provider to find out if out-of-pocket expenses for head lice removal are covered by your insurance plan.
Does Insurance Cover Head Lice Removal Treatment?2021-10-07T17:18:55-05:00
Many insurance plans will reimburse out-of-pocket expenses for head lice removal treatment, but this will vary by plan and provider. Check with your provider for more information. If your insurance plan covers these out-of-pocket expenses, Lice Troopers can provide the forms you need in order to be reimbursed. Client is responsible for payment on the day of services rendered.
My Child Has Long/Thick/Curly Hair, Is There an Additional Fee for This?2021-10-07T17:18:18-05:00
Extreme cases—either severe lice infestations or hair longer than shoulder length—may be billed at a higher rate. This is case specific.
Should I Schedule a House Call or Treatment in the Lice Troopers Salon?2021-10-07T17:17:31-05:00
This is completely up to you. While some families prefer treatment in our salon, others enjoy the comfort and convenience of being treated in their own home. The choice is yours.
Do You Provide a Home Lice Removal?2021-10-07T17:16:57-05:00
Yes. For your convenience, we offer services in the following areas: Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and California. Call 855-873-7358 to begin treatment right away.
Does Lice Troopers Make House Calls?2021-10-07T17:16:12-05:00
Yes. See here for a listing of our service areas.
Where Is the Lice Troopers Salon Located?2021-10-07T17:15:28-05:00
For a List of Locations Please Visit the following page List of Locations
Where Do You Provide Treatment?2021-10-07T17:14:36-05:00
Lice Troopers Provides Complete Lice Treatments with Numerous Clinics and service areas across the country. To see a list of locations or service areas please Click Here
Who Gets the Guarantee?2021-10-07T17:11:33-05:00
Everyone who has been treated by Lice Troopers—whether in our salon or at home—receives our Lice Free Guarantee. For this guarantee to be valid, all family members within the household must be checked and deemed lice free by a Lice Troopers technician during the initial treatment visit, and any family members found to have lice must be treated by a Lice Troopers technician. The guarantee is only valid if every member of the family/household has been checked and/or treated by Lice Troopers.
How Long Is the Guarantee For?2021-10-07T17:10:58-05:00
Lice Troopers guarantees that you and your family will be 100% bug free after the initial treatment visit. If Lice Troopers terms and conditions have been followed, and a bug is found within 14 days of the initial treatment, we will treat that individual for free.
Are OTC Treatments Safe?2021-10-07T17:10:03-05:00
The simple answer is, no. While many of these products are approved by the FDA, they contain harsh pesticides and other chemicals that we cannot recommend for use on your child’s head. These chemicals can be especially dangerous for young children and adults who suffer from illnesses, compromised immunity and other chronic health conditions, as well as pregnant mothers.
If Shampoos Don’t Work, Then What Does Work?2021-10-27T15:53:44-05:00
The only proven method of treating and eliminating lice is manual removal of both the lice and nits. Our combing and inspection method guarantees that every single louse and nit have been removed. This is the only way to eliminate lice and protect against a repeat infestation. The Lice Troopers pesticide free solutions and lotions that are applied to the hair during treatment are not intended to kill the lice but to soften and detangle the hair before combing, and to release the glue that the nits secrete in order to adhere to the hair. This allows us to comb out the nits more effectively.
Why Don’t Lice Shampoos and Other Formulas Work?2021-10-07T17:08:44-05:00
Lice have evolved over the years to ensure their survival. To this end, they have developed immunity to the strong chemicals found in most lice shampoos.
Do OTC Drugstore Treatments Work?2021-10-07T17:07:52-05:00
Over-the-counter treatments are not only ineffective, they are unsafe. The only way to completely eliminate head lice is to manually comb out all lice and nits with a specially designed comb. Solutions, shampoos and other “remedies” won’t make them go away. In fact, about 60% of our clients come to us after using OTC treatments.
My Doctor Has Recommended a Prescription Shampoo—Will This Eliminate the Lice?2021-10-07T17:06:28-05:00
Prescription shampoos are formulated from harsh chemicals that are not guaranteed to kill or eliminate the lice—and exposing your child to these toxins isn’t worth it. Over time and with the use of pesticides, head lice have become resistant to these products. Though they contain strong chemicals, these chemicals are unable to penetrate the nits’ eggshell. Once these eggs hatch, you have a new infestation. Choose a safer, more effective treatment that is actually guaranteed to work.
Once I Treat My Child How Do I Know They Won’t Get Lice Again?2021-10-07T17:05:29-05:00
Once you have been treated by Lice Troopers, we provide a set of follow-up instructions that help you to take the necessary steps to protect your child and your home from a repeat infestation. Kids should be especially careful of head-to-head contact as when taking pictures together (“selfies”) and should avoid sharing brushes, towels, pillows, hats and sports equipment. These are the most common means by which lice spreads and new infestations get started. We also offer a preventative garlic spray that helps repel lice as it tricks them into thinking the hair is dirty. While this spray can help to prevent lice, it cannot kill lice once you have it. We also recommend notifying close friends if your child has had lice so that they can make an appointment to be screened for head lice as well.
Will Cleaning My Home Prevent Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:59:08-05:00
No. It is a myth that head lice are more prevalent among unclean or cluttered environments. Anyone can get head lice regardless of the cleanliness of one’s home.
I Dye My Hair, Will That Prevent Me From Getting Lice?2021-10-07T16:58:40-05:00
No. Color treated hair is not more or less susceptible to a head lice infestation, nor will hair dyes kill head lice or eggs.
How Can Head Lice Be Prevented?2021-10-07T16:58:04-05:00
Head lice prevention begins by avoiding contact with people who have head lice. Since it is impossible to know who has head lice and who does not, it is recommended that individuals (especially children) not share personal belongings that come in contact with the head and hair of other children such as hairbrushes, headbands and hair clips, hats, clothing, coats, helmets, pillows, sleeping bags and other sports equipment. This, however, can be hard to teach and enforce, especially among very young children. Head lice passes easily among children and teens because they are so frequently in close, even head-to-head, contact. Tying back hair into ponytails or braids can help prevent the spread of head lice as can spraying children’s hair with a solution made of garlic and water—the smell helps to repel lice.
Will Bathing Everyday Prevent Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:57:33-05:00
No. Head lice infestations have no relation to personal cleanliness, if anything lice seem to pass more easily among those who have very clean hair. Lice are remarkably resilient creatures—once an individual has head lice, they cannot be washed away.
What Is the Best Way to Check for Lice?2021-10-07T16:56:56-05:00
The best way to check for lice is manual examination by a trained professional. It is easy to mistake head lice and nits for flaky scalp or other debris—the eyes of our lice removal technicians are trained specifically to spot lice and nits as they examine the hair section by section. Scheduling a screening gives you peace of mind, knowing definitively whether or not you have head lice.
Is It Lice or Protein?2021-10-07T16:56:02-05:00
You can find out by extracting the particle and placing on a white paper towel. If the particle shows up against the paper towel, it is most likely an egg.
Is It Lice or Dandruff?2021-10-07T16:55:24-05:00
Head lice nits (eggs) and dandruff may be similar in appearance (both small and white or yellowish in color), but the important difference is the way in which lice and nits adhere to the hair. Dandruff and flakes caused by dry scalp fall away when brushed, whereas nits are attached to strands of hair and do not brush away.
What Kind of Light Should I Use When Checking for Lice?2021-10-07T16:54:37-05:00
The best light to use when checking for head lice is sunlight or bright fluorescent lighting.
How Do You Detect Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:54:01-05:00
Head lice can be seen throughout the hair, with nits often attached to individual strands of hair and near the scalp. When screening for head lice, our professionals examine the hair, section by section before diagnosing.
Will You Come to My Home in a Marked Vehicle?2021-10-07T16:53:10-05:00
No. Just like in our salon, our staff is professional and respectful of your privacy. Our vehicles are unmarked and services within the home or another location are performed quickly and with the utmost discretion.
Will Other People Find out That My Child Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:52:35-05:00
No. Your privacy is our priority and all services performed in our clinic or in your home are completely confidential. No one will know your child has had head lice unless you choose to inform them.
Will You Inform Our School That My Child Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T16:52:02-05:00
We provide notification emails that you may use to inform your child’s teacher or school administrators that your child has been treated for head lice, but Lice Troopers does not notify the school.
Do You Have a Salon?2021-10-07T16:51:11-05:00
Yes. Our salon is located at: 1005 Kane Concourse, Suite 212 Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 & 306 Ave N Brooklyn, NY 11230
Can You Come to My Home?2021-10-07T16:50:11-05:00
Yes. Lice Troopers offers house calls.
What Do I Need to Do to My Car?2021-10-07T16:39:17-05:00
If your car has a cloth interior, vacuum seats and headrests thoroughly. Wipe leather seats with a damp cloth.
Should I Throw Away My Brushes?2021-10-07T15:13:05-05:00
Yes, we recommend throwing out hairbrushes and other hair accessories such as hair ties.
Should I Throw Away My Pillows?2021-10-07T15:12:31-05:00
It is not necessary to throw away your pillows. All pillowcases and pillows should be washed in 130 degree water and put in the dryer for at least 30 minutes.
Is Follow up Necessary?2021-10-07T15:12:00-05:00
No re-treatment is necessary. However, we recommend a follow-up screening.
What Steps Should Be Taken After Treatment?2021-10-07T15:11:25-05:00
All items, such as bedding, clothes, hats, and plush toys, must be washed in 130 degree water. Furniture, mattresses, rugs and other items require a thorough vacuuming. Brushes, combs and hair accessories should be thrown away. Other items that cannot be washed can be placed into an airtight plastic bag for 10-14 days.
Why Should I Seek Professional Head Lice Removal?2021-10-07T15:10:43-05:00
Any parent who has had to confront head lice on their own child can attest to the nightmare it can become, with one failed attempt after another and parents going mad searching for nits. These efforts, while well-intentioned, only lead to frustration, crying children and a high chance of reoccurrence. To rid your child and household of the infestation quickly, efficiently, safely and permanently, a professional lice removal service is required. Our lice removal experts have a trained eye, as well as the endurance to continuously pick lice and eggs until the job is done.
Will Proper Hair Washing Get Rid of the Lice?2021-10-07T15:10:15-05:00
No. In fact, when lice come into contact with water they protect themselves by clamping down on the hair more intensely. Frequent hair washing can neither prevent nor eliminate lice. The only way to prevent lice is to avoid head-to-head contact with those who have head lice, and to refrain from sharing personal belongings such as hats, hairbrushes and pillows. The only way to eliminate head lice is to manually comb out all lice and nits.
If One of My Children Has Head Lice Do I Need to Have My Other Children Treated?2021-10-07T15:09:44-05:00
All family members should immediately be screened for head lice. Only those that have head lice pay for treatment. If no head lice are found, only the screening fee is charged.
Who Should Be Screened for Head Lice?2021-10-07T15:09:08-05:00
Anyone who has had contact with another individual who has head lice. For example, if one family member has head lice, the rest of the family should be screened immediately in order to halt the spread. Lice are highly contagious, passing easily among those in close contact. If other children in your child’s school have head lice, your child should be screened as well. Infestations must be treated urgently in order to prevent an epidemic as well as repeat infestations.
My Child Has Been Itching His/Her Scalp—Does This Mean He/She Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T15:08:36-05:00
Not necessarily. While a head lice infestation will indeed cause an itchy scalp, there can be other causes of the itchiness such as dryness, heat, oil and dirt buildup, psoriasis, allergic reactions and other skin conditions. Children with itchy scalp should schedule a head lice screening in order to determine whether head lice are the cause of the itchiness.
How Can a Lice Infestation Advance?2021-10-07T15:07:54-05:00
A head lice infestation begins with contact with a single louse or nit. The life cycle of head lice involves the adult head lice laying their eggs (nits) in the hair of its human host. The eggs hatch and develop into more adult lice, which then feed on the blood of their host several times a day by biting into the scalp. The lice lay more eggs and the cycle repeats itself indefinitely. When lice bite into the scalp, they leave open sores that can lead to an infection. People who suffer from blood-related medical conditions are especially susceptible.
How Soon Does My Child Need to Be Treated?2021-10-07T15:07:06-05:00
As soon as possible. Waiting only increases your child’s discomfort and increases the risk of spreading the lice to others. Make an appointment with Lice Troopers to have your child thoroughly examined for head lice. If lice are discovered, we can treat the condition immediately.
If the School Nurse Diagnosed Head Lice Do I Still Need to Schedule a Head Check?2021-10-07T15:05:46-05:00
Yes. Nurses often have to screen several children at one time, so lice can be easy to misdiagnose. A screening by one of our lice removal experts can verify that your child does indeed have lice, saving you the cost of treatment in the case of a mistaken diagnosis.
What Should I Do If I Receive a Notice That Another Child in My Child’s Classroom/School Has Head Lice?2021-10-07T15:05:02-05:00
If another child has had lice, it is wise to schedule a head lice screening for your child as well. This can provide peace of mind that your child is lice free or, if lice are discovered, treatment can be handled immediately.
I Think My Child Has Head Lice, What Should I Do?2021-10-07T15:03:56-05:00
If you believe your child has been exposed to head lice, or you have observed lice or nits in your child’s hair, do not delay in scheduling a screening. Once head lice have been confirmed, the next step is treatment. Head lice can be a vicious cycle and they do not go away on their own. Lice Troopers treats head lice in our salon or in the comfort of your home.
Will Head Lice Penetrate the Scalp?2021-10-16T13:24:38-05:00
Head lice bite into the scalp in order to suck the blood of their host but, unlike a tick, they do not burrow into or beneath the skin.
How Many Legs Do Head Lice Have?2021-10-07T15:02:03-05:00
Head lice are insects that have 6 legs.
Do Head Lice Fly or Jump?2021-10-07T15:01:13-05:00
No. Head lice don’t have wings or hind legs and thus are unable to fly or jump.
Do Lice Bite?2021-10-07T15:00:22-05:00
Yes. Lice bite into the scalp to feed off the blood of their host.
If I Have Head Lice, Does That Mean I’m Dirty?2021-10-07T14:58:12-05:00
No. It is a myth that head lice infestations are brought on by poor hygiene. In fact, experience shows that head lice seem to prefer clean scalp and hair, and strong bodily odors may even repel head lice. In the end, all people are equally susceptible to a head lice infestation if they have had contact with someone carrying lice. Lice cannot be washed away so no amount of bathing or hair washing can protect an individual from head lice.
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